
Mission Statement - 22/09/24

This was an important turning point for this site and so I decided to keep it

Ok, I may be overblowing things a little when calling this post "Mission Statement" but whatever, that's what popped into my head first, so sue me! (actually don't do that, I'm not well-off)
I wanted to clarify (mostly for myself) what this website's purpose actually is.

If you read some of my posts and wonder why they've disappeared, I've made the executive decision to delete them off the site. The reason behind this is that I've come to the realization that I don't want this to be a site to be full of vent posts, because although I may feel like shit alot of the time, I don't want that to define me.
I want this to be a place to express the things that I'm passionate about and that I'm interested in, even if I may not be too skilled, even if my knowledge and opinions may be underbaked, I can and will develop these things.

Anyways, here's some leftover images from those deleted posts!